Sunday 12 July 2020

Almost there!

It's now 5 weeks since I started my relactation journey.  Its working pretty well. I'm reducing formula when ever possible.  Today she just drank 7oz of formula through out the day! It could have been even lesser but she cried for bottle.  I'm so stoked today. Exclusive breastfeeding looks so very doable right now. It's just round the corner! I'm so excited waiting for the day when I don't have to give her formula.  Ot can't come soon enough 😊

Thursday 2 July 2020

Half way there!

Just a short update! I have been on domperidone for 25 days now . Here are the results.  Firstly I've reduced her formula to 2 oz most feeds. Some feeds , especially at night, she just nurses and goes to sleep. But late afternoon she sometimes still eats upto 2.25 to 2.5 oz top up. Rest of the feeds through the day she eats 2 oz . So her total formula intake is down from 30- 28 oz/ day to 22-25 oz/day.

  Secondly we have successfully set up a nursing pattern where she first nurses completely on both sides then I give her top up supplement.  Normally lactation consultants say to finish at the breast. I tried that but if I give her bottle first she refuses to nurse and demands more formula itself.  But if I offer breastfeeding first, she'll nurse from both sides and I can then decide the amount of formula she needs. It seems to be working because she is spending more time at breast and her formula top up is reducing . 

 I don't know if I'll be able to completely stop formula top up. Most ladies on domperidone have seen their supply increase dramatically by 6 weeks.  I'm hoping for the same. Which means I have 2 more weeks to go. Keeping my fingers crossed 🤞😊


Almost there!

It's now 5 weeks since I started my relactation journey.  Its working pretty well. I'm reducing formula when ever possible.  Today s...